
Foreward by Prof. Jerry Gana
Preface by Senator J. M. Kuye
Financial Environment
Public Finance
Financial Institutions
Public Relations Concepts
Financial Public Relations
Marketing Concepts
Advertising and Integrated Communication
In-House and Consultancy
Target Publics
Research in PR
Budgeting in PR
Planning in PR
Regulating Financial Information
Getting Started and PR Unit
Basic Functions
Requirement for Media Event
Annual Events
Social Responsibility
Information Technology
Reputation Management
Crises Management
Media of FPR
Corporate Identification
Building Brand
Membership of Professional Bodies
Conduct and Ethical Standards
Appendix NIPR Code
Appendix II: IPR Code
Appendix III: PRSA Code
Appendix IV: IPRA Code
Contributions and Reviews


It is a known fact that the financial public relations is an essential part of management, which applies to the public and private sectors concerned. The purpose of the profession is to give adequate information on organisational activities, policies and plan of action. Its success and if necessary, reason for failure in the execution of programmes, can be well portrayed.  The policy makers, Chief Executives and other officers are wholly informed of the happenings around them through the monitor and review of media contents passed to them for proper and prompt response where necessary.


Enough facilities and tools should be provided for the public relations unit, which is a welcome administrative machinery of government, serving successive chief executives and administrations, irrespective of political or social differences.  The officer responsible should judiciously use the apparatus for protecting the reputation of his boss, more importantly the organisation, and avoid using the paraphernalia for cheap publicity and unwholesome propaganda.  Once the mission statement is stated clearly, best-suited programmes are required by the organisation at the establishment and maintenance of goodwill and understanding through regular contact with their customers, shareholders, boards of directors and employees, among others.  Maintaining their understanding must be supported with qualitative service, courteous habit and commendable social service. Those are the smooth ways of achieving prospect and profitability in the dynamic society and competitive market.


It is necessary, in view of the foregoing, to conclude that any organisation that intends to succeed in the business terrain and to assert its social standing, must apply the basic steps of solving public perceptions and attitudes. It should examine the prevailing situation through sampling and monitoring of public opinions and attitudes towards the organisation. Mapping out plans of action by adopting strategic programmes and workable method is an appropriate public relations skill of executing the communication process. Finally, seeking feedbacks could not be out of place at reassessing and evaluating the outcome of the executed programmes.

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